Monthly Archives: November 2013

  1. Haha! Some Funny Pictures

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    November 30, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Picture From Ehy Readers, oops Hey Readers! I was surfing thrue, thru?, through the internet and found 2 funny pictures …
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  2. Hello?……Zis is the German Coastguard (no offense)

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    November 28, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Hey Readers, Now the following video I posted was not to insult of tease any one from Germany. They are …
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  3. Impossible!! How Come?!


    November 27, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Picture From Hey Readers, I was browsing threw the net when I found some thing peculiar. It was a video …
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  4. Vat 19's World Largest Gummy Bear!


    November 26, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Picture From I’m sorry. I have not thing to say but……EEEEWWWWW…… BUT, check out this cool company that makes very …
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  5. Action MOVIE!!!! Video's

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    November 23, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Picture From Hey readers, I bet you people remember the last time I made an Action Movie Video. The app …
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  6. Plan Reflection!!


    November 19, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Picture From Hey everybody, if you noticed I made a few changes on my blog. I think you noticed, you …
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  7. My Little Alchemy Scene!

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    November 18, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Picture From Hey really excited readers who want to read this post so badly and want me to get to …
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  8. Hana Ikada Koto Piece

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    November 17, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Picture From Hey Readers, this is a traditional instrument of Japan I am playing in the video. I have been …
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  9. "GoPro" BE A HERO!!!!!

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    November 13, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Picture From Hey readers, check out this super duper inspirational video. IT IS AWESOME. Every time I see it, it …
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  10. ACTION MOVIE!!!!! Darren's Explosion Scene

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    November 11, 2013 by akhilgnair

    Hello readers, check out this video I made from an iPhone application called “Action Movie”. You can choose many many …
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Calendar of Narnia

November 2013

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