My Favourite Tutorial


January 15, 2014 by akhilgnair

Hello Readers,

For homework in Technology class, we were looking at tutorials. We looked at what was good about them and what wasn’t. We looked at 5 tutorials and wrote about what we learned about, what we thought was good about the tutorial and what the tutorial could improve on. After doing that to all the tutorials I chose, I chose my FAVOURITE!

I came up with this one:

Some things I learnt from this video were some basic things that can help me solve other cubes. I learnt some technical terms used for the cube.

Things I thought that were good about the tutorial was he tells you that if you have any doubts you can go to another video on the section and he also tells you that you can go back if you want to see something again and if you want to try something once more.

Shows a diffent video

This person makes the video interesting and talks in an enthusiastic voice. This is helpful because you won’t be bored and will always be engaged with the video. If you already learnt a little bit he has boxes that allows you to skip to another section of the video. This is useful because if you wanted to skip a part than you wouldn’t have to search for it in the video because it takes a long time. He displays the step and the section of the video you are watching so we clearly know what part we are at. This is very grateful because if you want to go back in the video, and do the step before, you can just go back until it show the part you want to do.

He keeps a wide space between his hands so I can clearly see what and how to do the step. This is good because you know exactly what he is doing.

Wide Hands

He will repeat some things so you can understand every word he say. To make this better he talks loud and clear. This is very good because you won’t have to go back and play the video several times to understand what he said. Even though it might be hard for him to see, he shows the cube so we can see every piece on the face he wishes us to see. This means we can understand what he wants us to understand. You  can easily see things very easily because the camera quality is very good. This is very useful because you can easily see the cube easily, this will improve your understanding of the steps. Overall he put a lot of effort in his video to allow us to understand the basic steps to solve a rubik’s cube.

Although he did an awesome job, I think he could of made a few things better.

He could talk a little bit slower but otherwise he has done a good job in showing me how to solve the rubiks cube. He shows the rubik’s cube solved but doesn’t say it is the finished product even though it is obvious.

This was what I learned, thought was good and thought what improvements it needed.

What did YOU like about the tutorial? What tutorial do you like? Type it all up in the comment section BELOW.


16 thoughts on “My Favourite Tutorial

  1. Ryan Batty says:

    HI Akhil,

    From this video I learned loads of techniques to solve rubic cubes. This is useful because when I do another Rubic cube I can use those techniques. What I thought was good about this video was that he spoke really clearly. I thought this was important because we understood everything he said. I also thought his filming was steady. This is important because it helps the audience see clearly. I also thought he explained things simple but detailed and precise. This is important because it helps the audience understand. Another thing he did well was by giving us options to skip parts and links to other videos that were slower. I also thought he was always happy, Humorous and enthusiastic. This really helped because it kept me interested. I thought though he could improve on a few things. First He didn’t shorten the video into parts. This was not helpful because the video was to long. This made me get slightly bored. Secondly he spoke fast. This was not helpful because it did not give us time to understand the information and do it.

  2. 20monvilleo says:

    Hi Akhil,
    the tutorial you find was really good and i think you said every single answer to the tutorial and you said what was bad and what was good. You wrote all of the information you got really clearly and that is good.

  3. 20debeaufortq says:

    hi Akhil

    I’ve learned a lot as how to solve a rubik cube which is handy because you For example, you get a rubik cube and you make it puzzled and you have no idea how to fix it you’ll see how to do it in this video and you can solve it.

    He makes a good intro that’s good because you’re interested in what’s coming.
    in the beginning He also says that you can go forward and backward that’s good because You are reminded that you can go to the front and the back
    He always shows the steps on the screen that’s good because You can then see the steps

    He is sometimes a bit quickly which is not good because you follow less what he sad.
    the rubik cube was sometimes the shade which is not good because it is hard to see the rubik cube


  4. Julian says:

    Hi Akhil

    Wow I never new that solving a rubrics is so easy that you need to get the crosses and you algorithm.

    The tutorial is easy because it is pretty slow and he explains well.

    the last part of the tutorial he could explain slower.

  5. 20naira says:

    Hey Guys,
    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I agree with so many things you found that I haven’t.
    Ryan: You wrote a lot of things with a lot of detail. I enjoyed reading it.
    Oscar: I’m happy you agree with me. I like his intro because it was really cool!
    Quirijn: You are a EAL student yet you wrote a lot with split up paragraphs! Thats amazing! I also thought it was useful that he put up the steps to easily read.
    Julian: It might sound hard at the beginning but after you know how to solve the rubiks cube your going to be very proud if yourself. I can know solve the rubiks cube in 1 min 24 sec! I hope you start solving too!

    Well thanks for commenting on my blog guys! I found that many of your agree with the similar things as each other.

    See You Soon!!!!

  6. 20solvingd says:

    Hi Akhil I learned from your favorite tutorial that the middle part never change, edges and the sides NEVER changes that is the most surprising thing I have ever learned about a rubies cub. I learned that we could make a different type of way I always go for finding one side at the time (but now I know a better way).
    I think your tutorial you picket was a awesome, funny, easy to understand and that it had a good way on taking the steps. I do think that the creator could have improved on trying not to making his arm going a in the light so the shadow was on the rubrics cub. Apart from that this video was just great THANK you for sharing it 😀

  7. Liam says:

    Hi Akhil,
    I have learnt a lot of ways of how to solve a rubric cube, I have also learnt the structure of the rubric cube. He was very helpful because myself can’t solve a rubric, I like how he was very funny, easy to understand and was a joy to watch throughout this video. This was helpful so myself can become more skillful while solving the rubric cube.
    The intro was funny he showed ways that would not work. He could potentially improve on slowing down in the beginning he was smooth and very clear but then he started to rush a bit too quickly. He was very energetic and it felt like he wanted to share the word to beginners who have rubric cubes and want to master. Thanks for sharing.

  8. 20beckp says:

    Hey Ahkil,
    Ive learned a lot about this thanks! and just saying great choose of tutorial!
    Im not the biggest fan of rubix but its still really fun to do and I mean Ive learned how to become better at it and I thought the wouldn’t really be so many tips but you proved me wrong Thanks so much for doing that and i’m on my rubix right now trying all this things and it kinda works 😛
    Thanks! Ahkil! 🙂

  9. […] my friends favored tutorial I learned how to do the rubik’s cube. […]

  10. […] I looked at tutorials made by my Rei and Akhil I learned quite a’lot of things from there chosen tutorial.  In Akhil’s Favorite […]

  11. […] as you probably remember if you saw my last tech post you can remember I showed you a tutorial I liked about “How To Solve The Rubiks Cube“. […]

  12. […] tech homework we had to comment on two peoples blogs and watch their video the people I watch was Akhils Tutorial and Reis Tutorial. Their video was not that close to be the same because Reis was that the […]

  13. […] before I finish this post, I commented on Rei’s, James , Ahkil both of their blog post were very detailed and were clear about the good points and the bad points […]

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