My Practice Speech – Basketball

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March 13, 2014 by akhilgnair

Hello Readers, (especially Mr. Meiklejohn)

Lately in our Drama class, me and my class have be learning about they many great ways to create a speech. We learned about how to hook the audience, the way we speak, our gestures, our posture and more. For our speeches, we talked about our passions. We talked about the differences of our passion to another, how we got the passion, and much more. My speech is right under this very sentence. I hope you enjoy it.

6A Drama Practice Speech14 from YIS Arts on Vimeo.

I felt I did a pretty good job making this speech. My modulation was great because I could clearly hear myself and my pace was good. I wasn’t rushing the speech. In the beginning, when I was listing the things the audience might think sports as, I was pausing so the audience could think about that word.

I liked how I made the speech interesting by having a enthusiastic voice. I made sure I don;t have a mono tone because that would make the speech boring. I also thought I did a good job in gesturing because I did it when I only needed to do it. I also chose the most appropriate ones to use. I stood up strait so I could speak up and also used facial expressions to engage the audience.

The content of my speech was good but I think I could do a little better. I wish I explained my story a little bit more clearly. I didn’t tell that much about my childhood but I did talk a lot about how determination can get you anything almost you want.

My best skill was me speaking because I could clearly hear every word I said and I also used a lot of tones to make the speech sound interesting. I also looked at the audience which engaged them even more. I set my eyes on people time to time so that they would know I was talking to them.

I want to improve on my stuttering because it can hurt my understanding of what I’m saying. Even though I repeated the word correctly, it made me look un prepared and that I don’t really care.

Here is one of my friends speech that appealed to me. (Check out his BLOG)

6A Drama Practice Speech11 from YIS Arts on Vimeo.

What I feel he did great was the words he used such as “Finally” , “Similarly”, and more. I also thought he did great with the information he had. He had the dates and the ways they played the other sports.

I think he could improve on the same thing as me which was stuttering. He probably had forgotten what he had to say so he was stuck. He also didn’t use much gestures. His hands where staying still most of the time. I feel these are the things that he could improve on.

What do you think I did great on? What do you think I could improve on? Type it all up in the comment section BELOW.

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