Tutorial Plan Reflection


March 19, 2014 by akhilgnair

Picture Credits CC Licensed

Hi there readers,

So as most of you know, in technology class we are about to make our tutorials. We have finished researching, we’ve analyzed, we also made a practice tutorial. What left now, is making the REAL one. My class created a criteria that told you what made a good tutorial. Here is the CRITERIA LINK.

If you saw the document, you can see that we have a lot of things that classify a great tutorial. I feel like my tutorial meets pretty close to all the criteria. Here are a few criteria’s that I feel that I have met in my plan.

1. Finished Product

This was a well achieved criteria for me because I showed how the worm looked like at the beginning of the storyboard. In the clip before I show it, it read ” It will look something like this…”, that way the viewer knows that I’m showing the finished product.

2. An Introduction

I think I achieved this criteria well because in my script I told a little about my dancing experience and also a little about me but not TOO much. At the end I told them that I would be the one teaching the worm. All teachers must introduce themselves to their students. But since it’s the internet, I don’t give too much information.

3. Disclaimer

This was a really great criteria I demonstrated because I really need to tell my viewers that I am not a professional dancer. This way they would be able to think a second time to try it out. I also made the clip a bit longer so that they could clearly read the words and understand it.

4. Creativity

I showed this criteria the best in the 10th clip. I liked how I moved to another place and said “NOT HERE” and then finally “HERES GOOD”. Right as I’m typing this……wait…….okay. Right as I’m typing this I’m getting new ideas. Even though………sorry….even though it’s not on the story board it’s okay because a storyboard is just an out line. You can keep adding if you want to.

5. Text

For the titles, I used all caps for worm in the title of the video. I also made sure that on the titles I don’t have a lower case letter for the first letter of the title. This will make it look more official and professional. Personally I’m a capital freak, I don’t feel good with lowercase are in the front of a sentence.

6. Tips

Starting from the second step, almost all of the steps had a tip to ease the step. Even though some of them are a bit obvious or weird, I feel it’s better because the viewer will be able to understand a little bit better. If they didn’t think of the obvious one, then you have just reminded THEM! Yeah….

All of these are the things I feel that met the class criteria. Here, take a look at my storyboard and see if you agree.

If feel my tutorial will be a good one because I will be keeping the audiences attention by making the scene’s interesting. I also think it will be great because I will be clearly explaining the steps and reminding them with tips on how to improve, common mistakes, and help. I am really looking forward to making the tutorial. Something that makes sure the viewers will learn somethings is that I will be taking time to explain the steps. I also want to talk in a enthusiastic voice because I believe that if you speak in an enthusiastic voice, your audience will feel enthusiastic too. I can make sure of this again because I will be making any text clearly visible to the viewer. This will increase the chances of them spotting it and keeping it in mind.

Me and my class and definitely my teacher didn’t what us to be doing the things in a rush. So thats why we have created the TUTORIAL TIME PLAN. This will help us to keep on track. I feel I did a great job in making the detail specific.

For me, the only thing I want to know how to get small audio clips like a “record scratching”. Otherwise I am good with everything else.

What would you do if you made a tutorial? What ideas do you have for me? Well if you do I’d be really happy so type it all up in the comment section BELOW!

One thought on “Tutorial Plan Reflection

  1. Kim Cofino says:

    Awesome job Akhil! I also love the way you’ve show your creativity – especially with the “not here” section. Will you do that with green screen? Or are you planning in actually filming at all of those places? Really looking forward to seeing your finished product!

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