How To Do The Worm – Tutorial


April 29, 2014 by akhilgnair

Hey there readers,

I know you have been waiting a long time for this but I have finally finished it and here is my tutorial on how to do the worm! It took me a while to do the filming because I had concert practices. I ended up filming 2 days before, editing 1 day before, and filming 2 scenes on the due date itself.

Well here it is! Hope you enjoy!

Well I’m pretty proud of myself!


As I went through the class criteria, I checked what I had and what I didn’t have. I was very surprised to find that I had only 2 things I didn’t meet. The few things I thought I did that I’m really proud. The first thing I was proud of was I had an enthusiastic voice that made the tutorial interesting. I also made it interesting by making it funny at times. I feel this was good because it would keep the viewers attention. Next, I thought I did a good job in showing the finished product at the beginning. This was very useful because people how don’t know what the worm is can now know. I was really proud of how the camera angles made the presentation of the worm look better. This is good because then the viewers would feel that the tutorial is professional. This will make it eye-catching. I made the tutorial step-by-step so that even the smallest things can be shown. Even the obvious ones because some people might not think about the obvious.

I could of worked on using some zooming. I could of used it when I said use your hands. I could focus on the hands as I use them.

This class criteria was really useful in the process of making my tutorial because I know what the good things and bad things of a tutorial is. This was the best type of guideline I could wish for.

I looked at other peoples tutorials to see what I had missing that they did. I looked at Brazil’s, Julynn’s, Shoichi’s and Haurna’s tutorials. They had similar criterion as me.


You remember what my favorite tutorial was? Well here it is first:

This was one of things that had inspired me to make my tutorial how it is right now. His tutorial had a great intro about how you couldn’t solve your rubiks cube. With punching, jumping and the explosion. Soooo I put the little scene where the Koala, Kangaroo and the Deer were talking to each other. Instead of showing how you couldn’t do solve the rubies cube, I showed how you couldn’t do the worm..YET!! Another thing that had inspired my ideas were from normal videos where people talk to the camera. I used this to make it feel that I was personally teaching them.

I learned a lot of things from just watching my friends tutorials. Just if I wanted to make another one.

From Brazils tutorial I learned its nice to have close ups because you can seed clearly. I only had angels. It’s really useful to have zooms because the viewers can see the area you need to focus on easily. His tutorial was about “5 Tricks To Do On The Diablo“. He also put a very obvious tip, this made it funny. He said to not hit you face with the diablo.

From Julynn’s tutorial I learned that the way you present the finished product (camera angles) can change how people will feel about your tutorial. They will think that it is professional. It’s very useful to have camera angles because the viewer can know how it looks from different points of view. Her tutorial was on “How to Make A Cupcake“. I liked how she told 2 different temperatures, ºC and ºF.

From Shoichi’s tutorial I learned that it’s nice to put the camera where the audience is so that you know how it would look like for the audience. His tutorial was on the “Where’s my Card Magic Trick“. I liked his tutorial but he could of put some music and titles.

From Haruna’s tutorial I learned that using effective and unique editing skills you can make your tutorial eye-catching and fun to watch. Her tutorial was on “How to Make a Lazy Cheesecake”. I liked how she used the fast forward to show what she does without taking too much time.


When I was making my tutorial I had two challenges that I had to deal with. First, I was filming with an iPhone and I didn’t have a stand that goes with it. SO I used my music stand. The phone would fall off at times so I had my brother hold it for me. Because of this I had the camera pointing a bit too low some times

Secondly I had trouble editing because I was using the updated version of iMovie so I didn’t know where some things were. This was a problem because it consumed my time to search for what I as looking for. The good thing about the update was I could use new titles, transitions and much more.

This was what I thought of my tutorial and the difference of other tutorials. Give me your opinion and a bit of a rating and tips to help me make my tutorial better.

Thank you for watching my tutorial and I hope you liked it.

What did you like about my tutorial? What do I need to improve on? Type it all up in the comment section BELOW!


2 thoughts on “How To Do The Worm – Tutorial

  1. 20ichijoj says:

    Hi Akhil.

    Your tutorial is really good. I liked your camera angle. This helped me to see when you do the worm. I also liked when you had detailed steps. This helped me to do a worm. I like when you had a clear voice. This helped me to understand the tutorial.

    I learned how to do a forward warm. I also learned it’s hard to do a forward warm.

    I think you should have make the tutorial a little shorter. Making the tutorial will help the viewers to remember the steps.

    You should have made the tutorial a little bit shorter. This would he

  2. Kim Cofino says:

    Superstar! I’m so glad to see the the research we did at the beginning of the unit really helped you – I think the way you talked to the audience was really captivating and made your tutorial unique. It’s great to see that you have lots of ideas for making more tutorials after watching the other students. I hope you keep making more tutorials!

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