My Artist Statement

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May 1, 2014 by akhilgnair

Hi there readers! (especially Mr.Reed)

In art class, we have all finished our portrait paintings. We have been learning about how we can express feelings, postures, cultures and much more by using brush strokes and painting techniques. For my painting, I chose my friend James. Here is my painting.

I named my painting as “Personalities of One”. I called it this because I showed many things that James enjoys to do as a different person .

Painting James

During this unit, I have made progress learning new techniques, brush strokes. We have also learned about the content such as, the posture, the facial expression and the setting or the background of the painting. I had a few challenges while doing this project. For example I had a small problem when I was painting. I had accidentally had a little bit of water on my pallet so the paint was a little wet. I tried to think of what looks like this color. It looked a little like cut wood. So I tried it on the bench and it looked perfect! It was the perfect color. Not to dark or light. I used many shades of green, brown and pink.

“One” in the paintings describes James. I showed the personalities just standing around doing what they do. I also didn’t draw their faces because you can’t see the likes and dislikes. You can see a boy playing soccer on the path, you can notice that he is a little smaller than the other characters. I made him smaller because James started soccer at a young age. He also started the other activities as a young boy but he was most passionate about soccer.

Next to the tree, I made James look tall as he is skillful playing the violin. I drew him lying down on a field to show he likes the nature and is calm. Sometimes he gets really mad but thats not much. I really know that James is also a great person who loves his country so I drew him waving the flag. Another thing I painted to symbolize his love to his country and his culture was by painting Sakura (cherry blossoms). Japan’s beauty is known to most by its Sakura flowers. I used different shades of pink to make a wider range of colour on the paper. I also tried a new type of paining technique which is called, “wet-on-wet”. When you do a wet-on-wet painting, you first put one colour on the paper and then you put another colour on top of that. Before it gets dry, you mix in on the paper itself. I used this when drawing the bark of the tree and on the walkway. The line in the middle represents my friends craze over music. Specifically DUPSTEP. I think I should have not put it smack in the middle of the painting now that I think of it. I should have put it in the side.

I feel I could have improved my painting by making a color that was more original. The paint I used was a little too much like the one in the bottle. I mixed it with some white and black but it still looked like the bottle’s paint. Black is a strong colour so if you just use a little, it can make a big difference. Same goes for red and white. Red is stronger so you just need very little of it. I thought I did a good job in painting the tree and the sakura though.

I had a lot of fun with my painting but I still think I could do better. I have learnt a lot about brush strokes and other cool things. I hope I will be able to use these skills on another painting later.

What do you think I did good on? What do you think I could improve on? Type it up in the comment section BELOW.

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